I subscribe to a Christian news agency, "One News Now". Some of you may be subscribers as well, and if so, then you've already encountered the things that are troubling me today. Here's one article, copied and pasted directly from the ONN website:
According to a news release from the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, a new 5-year contract at the plant included the change to accommodate the hundreds of Somali Muslims who work at the plant .
Eid al-Fitr — which falls on Oct. 1 this year — marks the end of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting.
Union leaders say implementing the holiday was important for the nearly 700 Muslims, many of them Somalis, who work at the plant that employs a total of 1,200 people.
The Shelbyville Times-Gazette newspaper quotes union spokesman Randy Hadley as saying the negotiating team felt this change was "extremely crucial, since this holiday is as important to Muslims as Christmas is to Christians."
The newspaper also quotes the union as saying two prayer rooms have been created at the Shelbyville Tyson Foods' plant "to allow Muslim workers to pray twice a day and return to work without leaving the plant."_________________________________________________
So what about the other 500 workers at that plant? Just forget any Labor Day weekend plans with their families, I guess. I'm curious as to the legality of this - last time I looked, Labor Day was a recognized national holiday. It seems to me that a better solution would have been to continue granting Labor Day holidays to the non-Muslims, and have the Muslims come to work. Then on Eid al-Fitr, whatever that is, let the Muslims off while everyone else comes to work. Better yet, instead of picking on Labor Day, let the Muslims off on their holiday, and then have them work on Christmas while the Christians are off. The best solution, of course, would have been to tell them all to return to Somalia, where they can have all the "Fitr" holidays they want. That, however, would not have been very PC, and might have affected Tyson's bottom line, so they would never do that. No, instead, they just knuckled under, and gave the Muslims one more victory.
And now it's time for the Christians among those remaining 500 workers to stand up and demand a prayer room too, as well as breaks to go and avail themselves of the opportunity, and then, please Lord - actually go there and pray. This country needs those prayers, obviously.
Now, as if the first news release wasn't annoying enough, here's another one, and it concerns - guess who? - the Somali Muslims. Here's a charming little story regarding those good people:
Somali Christian martyred
These are the people to whom Tyson is granting their holiday at the expense of everyone's Labor Day weekend, and for whom their "prayer rooms" have been built. I certainly hope those rooms are facing in the right direction - if not, I guess Allah can't hear them.
A Somali Christian has paid the ultimate price for his faith.
Hussein, the 28-year-old victim, had converted from the Muslim faith to Christianity. Jonathan Racho of International Christian Concern says he (Hussein) was confronted by Islamic extremists who demanded to know if he faces Mecca when he prays, which is required of Muslims.
"Hussein says he doesn't face Mecca when he prays because his God is omnipresent and he can face anywhere to pray," Racho recounts the incident. "[T]he extremists were very much enraged by his comments, and they killed him."
Upon learning that her husband had been shot to death, Hussein's wife went into premature labor and delivered a stillborn baby.
Hussein had been working as a teacher and was described as extremely successful in evangelizing the community._________________________________________
Across the world, Muslims are murdering people for being Christians, or for even having a Bible in their possession. They burn churches, sometimes with the congregants trapped inside. They bomb trains. In Indonesia, a favorite practice is to cut a suspected Christian's nose off, so everyone will know. They hack off heads. Several of their cultures, including the Somalis, practice female genital mutilation, all in Allah's name. I've cared for some of those women at my hospital. Here, in this country the Muslims hate so much, we are building prayer rooms for them, accommodating their holidays, allowing them to build their big onion-domed mosques in our cities, and just falling all over ourselves trying to please and appease them. I'm sorry, I simply don't get it.
When are we going to wake up?
And now, I'm going to quit preaching and start meddling, as my childhood pastor used to say.
With all this going on, and the countless other horror stories we've all heard and read and in some cases witnessed, why on earth are we considering electing someone to the Presidency who comes from a Muslim background? Oh, I know, I know, he denies being a Muslim, declares himself to be a Christian, and perhaps he is. I'm not his judge, only God knows the truth of that claim.
What he does not deny, because he knows he could easily be proven a liar, is that he has many family members who are known Muslims. We've all seen the "family picture" on the internet, and any first-year journalist could come up with facts and figures, and many have done so.
I'm old enough to clearly remember the last few years of WWII, and I distinctly remember when President Truman had to make the tragic decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima, and a few days later, on Nagasaki. He was harshly criticized by many for that decision, but the fact is, he ended the war with Japan. The Japanese would not have gone down and surrendered otherwise. The proof of that is in the fact that the bombing of Nagasaki was necessary. Hiroshima wasn't enough! Without those bombings, the war would have ground on for years.
Tragically, multiplied thousands of Japanese civilians were killed or terribly injured in those bombings, and the effects of the radiation lasted for many years, in some cases even until today. It was a hard decision for Truman to make, and I'm sure it haunted him to his grave. However, had he refused to drop those bombs, many, many thousands of American service personnel would have died as the war went on. If the Japanese could have made it to our shores, you can bet they would have bombed our cities. Los Angeles and San Francisco would have been the first to go. They didn't have nuclear power, but they could have caused a lot of death and devastation, and would not have hesitated to do so. And so, President Harry Truman did what he felt he had to do.
Now here's a question. Let's say that his name was Harry Yamamoto, and he was an American of Japanese descent, second-generation probably. Let's say that his dear sweet little grandmother lived in Hiroshima, and he had aunts and uncles and cousins in that city, and in Nagasaki. Could he, would he have ordered the bombing that ended the war? Could you? Would I?
So, here we are at an unthinkable point in the history of our country. We are rapidly being infiltrated by Muslims, and if you think all of them are coming here because they just want the American way of life, sweetie, have I got news for you. Perhaps some are. Many, however, are here as part of a larger plan, make no mistake about it. Like it or not, we are in a war with these people. Have we forgotten 9/11, and the many other attacks that have been leveled against us in the past couple of decades, by none other than Muslims?
In the midst of this, we are actually allowing a man named Barack Hussein Obama to present himself as a candidate for the Presidency of this country of ours. He may not be a Muslim himself, he says he's not. However, he has said he's a Christian, and then turned right around and made statements that would cause me to wonder. However, as I said earlier, I'm not his judge, God knows his heart, and I don't.
I do know this. He has a lot of family, including, yes, a "dear sweet little grandmother" who live in Islamic countries. He has uncles and aunts and cousins living in those countries. Whatever his own conviction may be, he has a lot of family members who are professing, practicing Muslims, and who reside in Muslim-dominated countries. This is well documented, and isn't subject to debate.
So, here's my question. In this time of covert warfare, terrorism, counter-terrorism and grave instability, do we want a man in the Oval Office with ties to Muslim nations? If push comes to shove, could he, would he, give the order to bomb a Muslim country, where he has family living, in order to defend this country?
In my heart of hearts, I sincerely feel that it is going to come to that, and probably sooner than we think. They are becoming more and more bold, and I believe there will be another attack like 9/11, and probably worse. It's a matter of time. We are not dealing with logical, thinking people with any kind of rational thought going on. These people are fanatic zealots, who think they're ensuring their place in paradise by the murdering of Christians and other "infidels". If you're not a Muslim, you're garbage, not fit to live. Oh yes, we're at war with them right now, and it won't be much longer before we find ourselves in an all-out, declared and committed war. When that happens, will our President be able to do what is necessary to end it? Or will he have to wrestle with the guilty knowledge that he's ordering the deaths of some of his own family?
While I consider Mr. Obama to be much too inexperienced for the office of President, I do not consider him to be stupid. He knows, he must know, that a war is coming, and he surely has already settled within his own heart what he will do when it comes. I'm very much afraid that we can all easily figure out what his decision was.
Frankly, that scares me to death.
Hey there, ROMEENA. You know how much I admire you and respect your opinions and advice. Heck, you're practically a "mother-figure" (heehee).
Although I have heard you talk about issues such as this over the years, frankly I was suprised by the tone of this article. First, I assume that the Somalis working at the Tyson plant are here in the U.S. legally. If they are working on a long-term basis, they also must be citizens or working toward that goal. It also appears there are more Moslems (700) than non-Moslems (500) working at the plant. While I certainly wouldn't agree with those employees having their Labor Day holiday taken away, if comparing "apples to apples" it would be more like taking Christmas away. (Side note: even though Labor Day is a legally recognized holiday, there is no law mandating that businesses must give their employees that or any other holiday off. I, myself, have had to work many a Labor Day.) If I were a manager at a Tyson plant whose employees were more than half a certain religion (whatever it may be), I'd be inclined to offer them their most celebrated day off, too. It's just a matter of courtesy for others, and good business sense. These people are law-abidding workers, working to support their families, trying to get a head, who happen to be Moslems. While I certainly think they should assimilate to fit in to our society, I stop short of requiring people to give up their religion (no matter how much fantasy I think it is). I really think the consessions fall more in line with common courtesy and Christian understanding.
Regarding Obama, well, you know how I feel about him as a candidate. Let's suffice it to say here that I won't be voting for him. However, my concerns are based on his qualifications, not his ancestry. Yes, being president has unique responsibilities. But German-American Teddy Roosevelt had no problem condemning the Kaiser and demanding we get into World War I to "whip the Hun." You just can't make assumptions about a person's character based on what their relatives are. Mitt Romney is a Morman with polygamists not too far up his family tree. Should that be held against him? My lovely Mrs. is 1/2 Hispanic. That doesn't mean she's okay with illegal immigration and likes Margaritas. Barrak Obama is not presidential material--but not because he's a closet Moslem or has Moslem family members. His father (who left he and his mother when he was a small child) was Moslem, but he was raised in "Christian" household and has attended Christian churches all his life (though he has made some pretty debious choices in pastors!).
I hope you take my comments in the spirit they are intended. You know I love a good moulage, but I take no joy in arguing with a friend. I love your blog!
Take care,
Hey there, Me-They. Thanks for stopping by. Your comments are well taken, but I think perhaps you might want to re-read the blog. I never said that Tyson should withhold their religious holiday from the Muslims. I even suggested that it be traded for Christmas - Muslims work Christmas, Christians work on Eid. But to take a holiday as important as Labor Day is to some families and just eliminate it is unfair. It's often the last fling at the lake or whatever for families. To take it away and give everyone another day off, however joyful the Muslims might be with that, the non-Muslims (whether Christian or not) aren't gonna be too happy.
Also, with reference to Obama, I'm not putting him down because of his background. I'm questioning whether he could declare war and devastation upon a country occupied by his close blood relatives. Could you sign your grandma's death warrant? I couldn't. It could come to that for him, far-fetched perhaps, but not inconceivable. I'm sure Truman and Roosevelt had various ethnicities in their background, as we all do. Mine are German, Jewish and Scottish. However, I do not have even so much as a distant cousin in those lands now, at least not to my knowledge. Obama has very close relatives in Islamic countries. That will inevitably become a conflict of interest for him. That's all I was trying to say.
Good points, Romeena. I never really thought that much about Obama's probable conflict of interest, but it is indeed probable.
I have seen the article on Tyson foods before, and I have crossed Tyson products off my grocery list. I'm sure their decision would have been alot different if a bunch of Christian workers had lobbied for a chapel to hold prayer meetings.
I think Tyson was feeling the heat, Ro. Here's an update...
Looking forward to reading more of your 'views'.
Hey Ro....a little late in chiming in on this...but I've been busy at the garage. :)
You pose the question "Have we forgotten about 9/11"? Sad to say I think the answer there is, YES! We've seemed to retreat as a people overall (I know there are lots who are still very much aware, I'm speaking more towards a prevailing sentiment) into the pre-911 days where we were sure that we we untouchable. Things that we saw happen around the world could never happen here. But we were wrong.
That morning caught us off guard and too comfortable in our day to day importance. The collective ego of the American public just couldn't comprehend that possibility that we'd be attacked on our own land. I'm not laying blame on any person or party for allowing it to happen. Though there were opportunities to eliminate the threat that Bin-Laden posed...if it hadn't been that day and at his hand...it would have been another time an another terrorist. It was inevitable, because we were asleep. We allowed an enemy to walk through our doors that we proudly wave open for the world, and strike without hesitation.
Now...America is back to dozing again. We're not totally asleep yet...but the head is bobbing. We've focused all that righteous rage that held us through those times, onto to making sure we don't offend anyone or 'over react' to a people and practice that fosters hate towards us as a standard. I'm not lumping all Muslims into this hate pool...that'd be silly. But there are absolute indicators that Muslim extremists are still up and active and ever growing in the diligence to attack again.
We're at a place where we're about to elect our next leader. I'm a supporter of Mr. Bush...not that everything he's done in office has been done in a way that I agree with, but overall I appreciate his commitment and heart to do the right thing. Our choices for this election are troubling. Mr. McCain has several areas where I agree with him...and I believe he certainly has the experience and smarts to lead us in a time of war. I don't believe he shares the convictions of our faith...not totally, and don't believe he'll be a President that will champion the same agenda as we expect Republicans to push. Not to say that it has to be an all or nothing, but there is a moral flavor that may not be as strong in him. Mr. Obama...just flat our scares me. His mantra for change and delivering the hope so needed makes me uneasy every time I hear him. Many have been talking about him being the anti-christ and all that...I don't believe that, but I certainly believe that his views foster a rapid growth of the move away from Christian values and standing up for what we believe, regardless of who's feelings get hurt. He's also made it quite clear that his experience in leading this country through a time of war is weak. Yet...he maintains a healthy standing in this race...and that's troublesome.
While I appreciate the historic significance of him being the first black man to be in this position...that should not be why he's voted for OR against. It's wrong either way..and is racism no matter how you slice it. Votes should be cast on the experience and ability to lead, not the color of the candidates skin.
Have we forgotten? Yes...and it's going to be a harsh wake up call at some time. I agree with you...it's going to be worse. And while we're busy making provisions to not offend anyone, making sure we're allowing for all beliefs and celebrating everyones values (except of course Christianity. Just say Howard Dean talking about the Obama camp reaching out to Evangelicals and "People Like That"), we're slowly letting the guard back down, and letting the trouble in the door.
God help us...
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